TDD in practice

Simple example how to create a plugin with TDD principles.


Ironically, this is an untested example :)

Create test

Write new test case called tests/

class TestHello:

    config = """
            mock:                 # let's use this plugin to create test data
              - {title: 'foobar'} # we can omit url if we do not care about it, in this case mock will add random url
            hello: yes            # our plugin, no relevant configuration yet ...

    # The flexget test framework provides the execute_task fixture, which is a function to run tasks
    def test_feature(self, execute_task):
      # run the task

Try running the test with py.test:

py.test tests/

It should complain that the plugin hello does not exists, that’s because we haven’t yet created it. Let’s do that next.

Create plugin

Create new file called flexget/plugins/output/

Within this file we will add our plugin.

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event

class Hello:

def register_plugin():
    plugin.register(Hello, 'hello', api_ver=2)

After this the unit tests should pass again. Try running them.

Add test

Now our example plugin will be very simple, we just want to add new field to each entry called hello with value True.

Let’s supplement the testsuite with the test.

class TestHello:

    config = """
            mock:                 # let's use this plugin to create test data
              - {title: 'foobar'} # we can omit url if we do not care about it, in this case mock will add random url
            hello: yes            # our plugin, no relevant configuration yet ...

    def test_feature(self, execute_task):
      # run the task
      task = execute_task('test')
      for entry in task.entries:
          assert entry.get('hello') == True

This should fail as we do not currently have such functionality in the plugin.

Add functionality to plugin

Continue by implementing the test case.

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event

class Hello:
    def on_task_filter(self, task, config):
        for entry in task.entries:
            entry['hello'] = True

def register_plugin():
    plugin.register(Hello, 'hello', api_ver=2)


This demonstrates main principle and workflow behind TDD and shows how it can be achieved with FlexGet.